Classroom management for the science teacher

Classroom management for the  science teacher

Science Classroom Management
In this You tube I have outlined some of the steps which I hope will be a help to you in the classroom. It is my belief that classroom management is an issue which you will struggle with during your entire teaching career. However, because you are watching videos and learning new tips I am sure that you will be successful. In the science classroom students can become hurt and over the years I have been witness to more than one teacher losing their job because of an accident.
Below are some suggestions
1. Come to class dressed like a teacher. You may not be able to control the students, but you can control your appearance
2. Plan, plan and plan. If you have 10 questions and only have time for 5 you will be a rockstar for your students. Have always 3 days of lessons at your fingertips. Nothing is worst than running out of something to do. Remember while the saying, "idle hands are the Devil's workshop" is not found in the Bible, it is a wise one and in line with biblical truth
I post on the board the lesson’s main objective, warmup, lab and conclusion every day. It helps not only the students but also myself to stay on track.

3 Be positive-it is not your students’ fault if you had a fight with your partner, or the tire fell off your car. I understand that this is easier said than done but try to the best of your ability.
4. Be fair!!!FAIR Each student must be treated the same not matter who they are or where they come from. Students pick up early if you show favorites
5. Grade papers. While it is impossible to grade everything plan to grade as much as you can. I have seen on many posts on how to skip on this vital part of the teaching process. I can not stress how important it is to keeping your students on task. I think it is better to maybe give a little less homework but grade what is passed in.
6. If you have a student who is a “challenge” but does something good in class give the parents a call. Positive comments go a long way
One perk for being a “mature” teacher is you get to see what happens to your students 15 years later. I am always amazed to see that often the ones that give me the hardest time are the most successful in life.
Thank you for watching this clip. Please feel free to ask for advice.
Thank you
Heidi Sardina


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