Medicare at a Glance πŸ˜‰ A Brief Overview on Eligibility and Medicare Plans

Medicare at a Glance πŸ˜‰ A Brief Overview on Eligibility and Medicare Plans

Today I am giving you a brief overview of eligibility of Medicare and that types of Medicare plans available. This isn't an in-depth video, however it gives you a great easy to understand overview.
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1️⃣ If you wondering if there are better Medicare plans available
2️⃣ If you worried you don't fully understand your current Medicare plan
3️⃣ If you just plain curious as to what other benefits you could get at no extra cost

What Is Medicare Brief Guide - Medicare is a national health insurance program in the United States, begun in 1965 under the Social Security Administration and now administered by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

Hey guys, Lance here and I found this great infographic. And I thought this would just be a helpful tool to learn a little bit more about Medicare at a glance, sometimes I find having a visual aid can make this a little bit easier to understand. So this is just Medicare at a glance going over some of the basics. So the first thing I wanted to talk about is who's eligible for Medicare. And so this is going to be seniors who are aged 65 and older, who are receiving or are eligible to receive Social Security or Railroad Retirement Board benefits, those folks can get Medicare. And so if you or your spouse had Medicare covered government, employer, employment, you also would qualify as well. Now, people under age 65, can sometimes get Medicare, if they have received Social Security, or railroad retirement benefits, I'm sorry, Railroad Retirement Board disability benefits, for 24 months, those individuals would also be eligible. And then you may also qualify if you have end stage renal disease, or ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease, those, either those conditions might also qualify you for Medicare as well. So then what are the parts of Medicare, if you qualify, then you get to decide there's some different parts to Medicare. And so the first one is Part A and Part B. Those are both considered Original Medicare. And Part A is hospital insurance. There's no premiums if you meet the requirements, which is what most people do, and you enroll through social security. And so then Part B is medical, medical insurance. And these are income based premiums, and you enroll through social security. So this is often termed Original Medicare. So this is Part A and Part B. And then Medicare has expanded over the years to also include Part C, which is called Medicare Advantage plans or Advantage plans. And so this would combine Part A and Part B coverage and give you some additional benefits. So part C, the coverage for Part C, the cost the enrollment, the additional covered services are determined by private insurance companies. So when you if you decide to enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan, you'll be using a private insurance company rather than having that insurance through the government. And so these private insurance companies are their official official, you can think of them as official Medicare provided insurance they're contracted through through the government. And with an advantage Medicare plan, this may also include prescription drug coverage. So again, there's some benefits to enrolling in a Medicare Advantage plan, you're basically getting Part A and Part B rolled into one, so to speak, and then you also get some additional benefits as well. And then finally, there's Part D, and these are prescription drug plans. This would be prescription drug coverage. And you'll want to check the plans, formulas the drug list to see covered medications. And you'll want to enroll with a private insurance company as well for Medicare Part D. So again, this was just Medicare at a glance wanted I again, I thought this was a great infographic to share a little bit more information about how this works. So ultimately, if you do have any additional questions or if you'd like additional help, first don't hesitate to leave a comment down below. We love getting to answer and try and help out as much as we can include any additional resources in the description as well, including the number to the hotline where you can call and speak to someone and get all of your questions answered that way so they can listen to You and your situation and help you figure out what's going to be best for you. But otherwise, thanks so much for your time. Really appreciate you guys watching.

Hopefully this video on what is Medicare was helpful, and I'll look forward to seeing you in the next video.

tags: Eligibility Of Medicare Plans, Medicare


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medicare eligibilitywhat is medicare eligibilitymedicare b eligibility

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