10 Types of Minecraft Clients

10 Types of Minecraft Clients

Minecraft clients, specifically Minecraft clients for pvp, have been gaining in popularity over the past couple years, and fast. So, I decided to test 10 of them out today in the best game to test a client out: Hypixel Skywars. Which one was your favorite?

DISCLAIMER: This is not a review on what the best Minecraft client is for pvp. I personally think that as long as it works for you and doesn't break your Minecraft, the Hypixel rules, or your PC, then there's no reason to say that one client is the "best". This video is mostly for content and to just check out what's out there.

0:00 Intro
1:31 1. Minecraft (Vanilla)
3:56 2. Optifine
6:16 3. Forge (no mods)
8:04 4. Forge (with mods: 5zig/Patcher/Optifine)
9:54 5. Labymod
13:22 6. Pixel Client
16:31 7. PVPLounge
19:21 8. Batmod
22:03 9. Badlion
24:30 10. Lunar

Minecraft (bruh): https://www.minecraft.net/
Optifine: https://optifine.net/home
Forge: https://files.minecraftforge.net/net/minecraftforge/forge/
Patcher mod (Also has links for 1.7 animations, 5zig for Patcher on the site, which are the only versions of these mods usable with Patcher): https://sk1er.club/mods/patcher
Labymod: https://www.labymod.net/en
Pixel Client (The site technically no longer exists, so only a mediafire link is available. I know that this is technically discontinued, but oh well. It still works): http://www.mediafire.com/file/mo7pzys6699t5z0/PixelClient.zip/file
PVPLounge: https://pvplounge.com/
Batmod: https://batmod.com/
Badlion: https://www.badlion.net/
Lunar: https://www.lunarclient.com/

NVIDIA 3080 Mobile
Intel i7-11800H
16 GB ram

There may have been clients that I did not mention in this video, but for the most part, the clients that I named in this video have a decent following and are relatively well used amongst the Minecraft pvp community (some more than others, obv). If a client that you know of wasn't included in this video, then I'm sorry but I can't include every possible client in this video :/

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🕹️ Game: Minecraft
🔑 Server IP: mc.hypixel.net
⌨ Server Website: https://hypixel.net/
📂 Texture Pack: https://youtu.be/K-w-0P_5IiA

FULL PLAYLIST!: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUtUAebuS-bLV5TJWCqGfEW13w0VmVQjC
🎶Music Used:

Chun-nan (Night) - Sonic Unleashed
New Donk City - Super Mario Odyssey
Spagonia (Night) - Sonic Unleashed
Apotos (Night) - Sonic Unleashed
Bubblaine - Super Mario Odyssey
Lost - Catherine
Lamb Game between ♂ and ♀ - Catherine
"And so it begins" - Artificial Music
🎨 Banner Art and Profile Pictures by Green/Greenei/Matthew: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSI4yDNXAUQC8-54BKfR2rw

💻 Thumbnails made by me :P

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