One of Nickelodeon’s finest, AAAHH!!! Real Monsters is an underrated gem. Klasky Csupo, Inc. developed this iconic cartoon in the 90s.
For those born in the 90s who weren’t lucky enough to catch the show on TV while it was being aired, thanks to several streaming sites you can finally hop onto the bandwagon and experience AAAHH!!! Real Monsters in all of its glory.
Judging by its name, it’s not a secret that the show is about monsters. But it’s not your regular heroes versus villains theme. In fact, the show is conceptually pretty unique. It highlights four monsters, in particular, namely, Ickis, Krumm, Oblina, and Gromble. They are young monsters attending a school for monsters called The Monster Academy, located under a city dump. That’s where they learn to frighten humans.
The monsters have exciting character designs that stay loyal to what Western animation stands for - exaggerated caricatures.
Much of the show revolves around the best friends Ickis, Oblina, and Krumm coming to the surface from the city dump and performing ‘scares’ on people. This is funnily a part of their class assignment, and the monsters want to please Headmaster Gromble. Hearing things like this makes me regret my human status because math was scarier than anything a monster can ever be. I’d rather perform scares than be scared by the introduction of letters into my math syllabus.
The show hosts a variety of creative creatures and in this video, we are going to talk about twelve such grotesque but hilarious monsters in no particular order. So, let’s get down to it!
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