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Smudge kit https://amzn.to/3wnP5nN
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Royalty free Meditation and channel music https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/y8tmdj/
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Suggested Reading:
(TRY AUDIBLE PLUS https://amzn.to/2U37Tuf)
1. Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving: A Guide and Map for Recovering from Childhood Trauma https://amzn.to/3zEz0fB
** kindle unlimited https://amzn.to/3B9gjBm
2. Be The Cause Healing Human Disconnect https://amzn.to/3gKg1Zm
** kindle version https://amzn.to/3kmuz3T
3. Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires https://amzn.to/3xzLao7
** kindle version https://amzn.to/3BevfhQ
4. How Not To Die https://amzn.to/3wQPT50
** kindle version https://amzn.to/3z6lm3C
5. Medical Medium: Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal https://amzn.to/2SNx2Ja
6. Emotions and Essential Oils https://amzn.to/3vNF02d
** kindle version https://amzn.to/3iaRWKY
7. The Secret Pathway to Healing: The Journey of Healing Relationships and Learning to Love Yourself https://amzn.to/3iVvUhf
** kindle unlimited https://amzn.to/2Ucdnn4
8. ❤️. The Little Soul and the Sun (Book explains soul contracts) https://amzn.to/3z1XRbZ
** kindle version https://amzn.to/36UIZ3n
🥰 Favorite Psychics for personal readings (please mention Love Trippin):
1. Linda Drake https://www.lindadrakeconsulting.com/
2. Anne Berlin https:https://www.schedulicity.com/scheduling/ABXMN4
(On Wednesdays, receive a FREE psychic reading for you and your friends!
There’s no catch, just tune in Wednesdays at 7-7:30 PM CDT to "Ask Anne Anything - Paranormal" ® on Facebook LIVE.)
To ask your single question go to: https://www.facebook.com/AnneBerlinPsychicMedium
3. Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique: Donna McMurtry pwsldonna@hotmail.com
When looking at energy through Astrology, I have found that it is most helpful to look at the many different windows of your soul. Mine are as follows:
Sun sign- Pisces\Aries cusp
Moon sign-Cancer
Rising sign-Libra
What’s yours? Find out here. https://www.indianastrology2000.com/
Your time of birth should be on your birth certificate. When I watch stuff on YouTube, I watch things related to ALL of my signs and I only listen to the information that feels right to me. Anything that feels off, I click off and find another intuitive. My favorites are:
1. @AnnieBotticelli https://youtube.com/c/AnnieBotticelli
2. @StevesLoveTarot https://youtube.com/c/StevesLoveTarot
3. @ButchTarot https://youtube.com/channel/UCgA3JxFKmbmaiKh9n5ww6pQ
4. @DashinBetween https://youtube.com/c/DashinBetween
5. @LumiousMoochie https://youtube.com/channel/UC11LZ2BIbflYF2ghloIWesw
6. @IgnatiusWallaceTreeofLifeMessages https://youtube.com/c/IgnatiusWallaceTreeofLifeMessages
7. @WhiteRoseZodiacReadings https://youtube.com/c/WhiteRoseZodiacReadings
8. @SecretTarot https://youtube.com/c/SecretTarot
9. @RainbowWizzardTarot https://youtube.com/playlist?list=UUa7TROSYernIeaF1H0_UZbQ
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Tarot readings are for entertainment purposes only and should NEVER take the place of psychological, medical, legal, or financial professional services. Love Trippin accepts no liability or responsibility for any action a client chooses to take.
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Links included in this description might be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you! Thank you for supporting Love Trippin so I can continue to provide you with free content each week!
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