W.E. B. DuBois wrote a book at the dawn of the 20th century entitled, “The Souls of Black Folks. Many black people of our times, both young and old, have not read his book, so they do not know their own history. In the end of the forethought to the book he said, “I who speak here am bone of the bone and flesh of the flesh of them that live within the Veil.” Likewise, I am also bone of the same bones and flesh of the same flesh. Why are we as Black Folks still behind this veil that Dubois spoke about? These are things that I would like to bring up in the Political and Social Consciousness series.
Since our earliest ancestors were highjacked and brought to this country, we were denied the right and privilege of learning how to read or write. That is how our capturers kept us in ignorance hoping we couldn’t escape the bondage both physically and mentally. Though it worked for the most part for years, the souls of those who didn’t escape did not die in vain.
I was awakened in the wee hours of the morning. I couldn’t sleep because something was rubbing against my soul. I was thinking about my earthly father, his father, and my forefathers before them. At one point many of them were slaves of wicked people. I can only imagine how my ancestors must have suffered. What I can only imagine God knows completely. He knows who did what to whom. He will punish all those who did wickedness to His people.
As the spirit was allowing my mind to visit, I wondered how far I could go back to my ancestors who were captured in Africa. As bone of their bones and flesh of their flesh I could sense their fear and their determination to escape. They must have wondered what kind of devils were capturing them. Was it a rival tribe who had sold them to the devil? They must have felt like an animal captured to be slaughtered for food. The animals eventually relent to its fate realizing hope was gone. Is that how it was for my early ancestors?
How many generations of lives do you suppose were literally destroyed by the African slave trade? How many demons working for the devil participated in such an atrocious scheme? Where is justice? Will those who suffered so mightily ever be redeemed? Did their flesh and bones mean nothing to God? Surely all people will die at the appointed time. Our souls will be released and return to our Maker. It’s not the pain and suffering of the flesh that bothers me but the threat to the soul that endured the evil wickedness. Did it cause my ancestors to curse God? Would God forgive them for how they reacted to evil? Why, my Lord... Why? Father I come before you humbly seeking your grace, mercy, and everlasting wisdom of which I have no right to ask. Why Father?
Though there is no way to adequately bridge what you don’t know unto what God knows, once you are absent of your mortal flesh it will no longer block you from God’s truth.
All things seen are not what they appear to be. You see the world through human eyes, through mortality, while God sees only pure truth through immortality. The two are not compatible, equal, or remotely akin to each other. However, things that are impossible with you are where God starts, where you end. Though you would like to know the final score, God is already at the Omega. If you grasp that thought, it will take you further than what troubles you. You need not worry about my people, who are your people, of whom are in my care.
You realize that life is larger than you... don’t you? You were hand-placed into a picture that was already drawn? Such things are beyond your comprehension, yet you wish to know because that is your nature.
You must also realize that God must account for every soul in existence, including your ancestors who were treated so ungodly by the world. No one will escape the wrath of the Almighty. All choices have consequences but especially applicable when they are offensive to the Father. Your people are my people. I take care of my own. That must be quite clear to you elsewise my answers will be irrelevant to you. Are we clear? It is good to ask questions. The Lord says to seek, ask, and knock on the doors of Heaven’s gate. If you do not ask you will not be answered so to ask is good. However, if you revere God and trust Him with all you are, then you can know the truth and it will set you free. Are we clear?
The episode ends with God being God and Greg realizing that God is ultimately in control over all things and the ultimate equalizer, the score keeper, and all things will be made right with God, including retribution for all the wrong that evil people have done against God, not just against people. To God be the glory. Selah!


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