Tanis Helliwell, M.Ed. is the founder of the International Institute for Transformation (IIT), which since January, 2000, has offered spiritual transformation programs to assist individuals to develop their spiritual intelligence. She is the author of the classic best-selling book Summer with the Leprechauns as well as Pilgrimage with the Leprechauns, Manifest Your Soul’s Purpose, Decoding Your Destiny and Hybrids. Her newest book is The High Beings of Hawaii: Encounters with mystical ancestors.
Tanis Helliwell, a mystic in the modern world, is a sought after keynote speaker whose insightful awareness is applied in a variety of spiritual disciplines. She has presented at conferences also featuring Rupert Sheldrake, Matthew Fox, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Gregg Braden, Fritjof Capra, and Jean Houston. These conferences include The Science and Consciousness Conference in Albuquerque, The World Future Society in Washington, DC; Anthroposophical conferences; and Spirit and Business conferences in Boston, Toronto, Vancouver and Mexico. Tanis has also presented at Findhorn, Hollyhock, A.R.E. Edgar Cayce and Alice Bailey.
In addition to her spiritual workshops, she worked for almost thirty years as a consultant to business, universities, and government, to catalyze organizational transformation and to help individuals develop their potential. She also led tours and walking pilgrimages to sacred sites for over 20 years.
Tanis is a leading-edge psychotherapist, well-known for working with the body elemental to heal physical, emotional and mental traumas and patterns. She teaches her techniques internationally to groups of psychiatrists, physicians, psychotherapists and other healing practitioners. Tanis is committed to helping people to develop right relationships with themselves, others and the Earth.
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