Every Bending Ability In Avatar
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00:01:42 AirBending
00:03:29 Air Ball
00:03:57 Air Blast
00:04:42 Air Bomb
00:04:59 Air Cushion
00:05:20 Air Funnel
00:05:35 Air Manipulation
00:06:22 Air Punch/Kick
00:07:11 Air Shield
00:07:52 Air Swipe
00:08:27 Air Wheel
00:08:45 Breath Of Wind
00:09:32 Enhanced Agility
00:10:26 Enhanced Speed
00:11:04 Heat Regulation
00:11:21 Air Pull
00:12:02 Air Blades
00:12:21 Air Cocoon
00:12:41 Air Propulsion
00:12:53 Air Spout
00:13:50 Air Vortex
00:14:07 Air Wake
00:14:25 Suffocation
00:14:53 Levitation
00:15:20 Tornado
00:16:08 Air Sphere
00:16:41 Strong Winds
00:17:10 Tornadoes/Hurricanes
00:17:25 Air Scooter
00:18:36 Cloud Manipulation
00:19:06 Hypersensitivity
00:19:46 Flight
00:20:41 Gliding
00:21:49 Spiritual Projection
00:22:28 Waterbending
00:24:30 Breath Of Ice
00:24:59 Ice Blade
00:25:16 Ice Bullets
00:25:29 Ice Claws
00:25:55 Ice Column
00:26:09 Ice Creeper
00:26:34 Ice Disc
00:26:50 Ice Gauntlet
00:27:06 Ice Hook
00:27:24 Ice Line
00:27:38 Ice Shield
00:28:06 Ice Spear
00:28:22 Iceberg Spike
00:28:46 Phase Change
00:29:29 Streaming The Water
00:29:52 Water Bullet
00:30:16 Water Cloak
00:31:11 Water Filtering
00:31:24 Water Jet
00:31:40 Water Knife
00:31:56 Water Manipulation
00:32:40 Water Pressure Manipulation
00:33:09 Water Wall/Water Shield
00:33:44 Water Whip
00:34:13 Wave
00:34:40 Bubble
00:35:07 Ice Dome
00:35:21 Ice Drill
00:35:38 Ice Floor
00:36:06 Ice Ladder
00:36:20 Ice Prison
00:36:51 Ice Ramp
00:37:25 Ice Sled
00:37:38 Ice Tunneling
00:37:57 Maelstrom
00:38:09 Mist-Stepping
00:38:25 Multiple Water Whips
00:38:41 Octopus Form
00:39:05 Partial Ice Whip
00:39:20 Razor Rings
00:39:33 Water Ball
00:39:46 Water Boxing
00:39:592 Water Dome
00:40:102 Water Drill
00:40:358 Water Gimbal
00:40:52 Water Pinwheel
00:41:04 Water Ring
00:41:20 Water Sphere
00:41:32 Water Spout
00:42:18 Armless Waterbending
00:42:38 Ice Fissure
00:42:565 Remote Waterbending
00:43:19 Tsunami
00:43:52 Water Compression
00:44:08 Bloodbending
00:45:04 Healing
00:45:48 Body Temperature Control
00:46:13 Cloud Manipulation
00:46:36 Condensation
00:47:04 Plantbending
00:48:22 Solutions
00:49:13 Spiritbending
00:49:31 Steam Manipulation
00:50:01 Water Run
00:50:44 Earthbending
00:52:45 Earth & Stone Levitation
00:52:59 Earth Block
00:53:09 Earth Column
00:53:33 Earth Compression
00:53:57 Earth Gauntlet
00:54:17 Earth Hand/Mannequin
00:54:42 Earth Launch
00:55:14 Earth Material Manipulation
00:55:26 Earth Shelter
00:55:56 Earth Sinking
00:56:19 Earth Smash
00:56:41 Earth Wall
00:56:51 Earthquakes/Fissures
00:57:14 Ground Shift
00:57:24 Quicksand
00:57:42 Rock Cuff
00:57:48 Rock Hanging
00:58:08 Rock Shield
00:58:23 Rock Slide
00:58:42 Sand Spout
00:58:55 Slab Shackles
00:59:19 Water Filtering
00:59:31 Dust Cloud
00:59:43 Dust-Stepping
01:00:05 Earth Armor
01:00:42 Earth Bomb
01:00:57 Earth Tunneling
01:01:08 Earth Wave
01:01:39 Earth Writing
01:01:55 Magnetization
01:02:16 Remote Earthbending
01:02:45 Compressed Rock Bullets
01:03:07 Dust Devil
01:03:17 Enhanced Earth Armor
01:03:35 Enhanced Earth Levitation
01:04:00 Powered Compression
01:04:30 Tectonics
01:04:47 Directional Geomancy
01:05:28 Glassbending
01:05:43 Lavabending
01:06:13 Liquifying Earth
01:06:37 Metalbending
01:07:47 Mudbending
01:08:11 Paintbending
01:08:33 Rock Gloves
01:08:57 Rock Shoes
01:09:14 Sandbending
01:10:09 Seismic Sense
01:11:19 Firebending
01:14:40 Blazing Rings & Arcs
01:15:00 Blocking Fire
01:15:14 Fire Blade
01:15:33 Fire Bomb
01:15:59 Fire Circle
01:16:16 Fire Daggers
01:16:57 Fire Streams
01:17:16 Fire Whip
01:17:48 Fire Lashes
01:18:03 Jet Propulsion
01:19:32 Jet-Stepping
01:19:52 Fireballs/Fire-Jabs
01:20:09 Flame Redirection
01:20:33 Shield Of Fire
01:20:45 The Dancing Dragon
01:21:31 Charged Attacks
01:22:31 Fire Augmentation
01:23:31 Fire Comet
01:23:45 Fire Missiles
01:23:59 Fire Pinwheel
01:24:12 Intertwined Fire Stream
01:24:34 Wall Of Flames
01:25:37 Pressurized Fire Stream
01:25:56 Long-Range Multiple Fire Whips
01:26:40 Blue Fire
01:26:53 Breath Of Fire
01:27:17 Combustionbending
01:28:29 Dragon Fire
01:28:52 Energy Reading
01:29:15 Fire Breathing
01:29:56 Heat Control
01:30:21 Lightning generation
01:30:56 Lightning Redirection
01:31:21 Energybending
01:31:55 Astral Projection
01:32:28 Granting Bending
01:33:02 Removing Bending
01:33:25 Spirit Energy Manipulation
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/ethanschulteis/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/the_amagi
VLOG CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfmsMC-1Y1dx3v1Oj-yzX6A
WEBSITE: https://avatar.fandom.com/wiki/Avatar_Wiki
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/avatarwikiofficial/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/AvatarWiki
DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/MkfbkuZ
PRODUCER: @Ethan Schulteis
NARRATOR: @Jeremyafreed
EDITOR: @Imubi5
MUSIC: @Christian Andersen