Overwatch 2 Competitive 2.0 Fake Rank Problem...

Overwatch 2 Competitive 2.0 Fake Rank Problem...

Overwatch 2 has a ranked rewards and rank display problem. They artificially drop visual rank (what we can see) at the start of each season, however MMR (hidden rank) remains in place. This leads to scenarios where potential Diamond players are now Ranked in Gold - yet they're MMR is still diamond, so the games are Diamond in quality. Blizzard have also back tracked on ranked rewards. Reducing the amount available to players per season.

0:00 Overwatch competitive 2.0 problems
0:27 Ranked Rewards Scam?
1:01 Competitive points rewarded for each role?
1:50 Blizzard Change Ranked Rewards...
3:16 Overwatch 2 Ranked Drama Explained
4:32 Blizzard Official Ranked Statement
9:00 Final Competitive Update Explained
10:54 New Season Competitive Rating Explained
11:54 Blizzard mean well...
13:38 Conclusion - Ranked Needs More Updates

#Overwatch2 #Overwatch #stylosa


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