Stand by Me short arrangement on folk guitar

Stand by Me short arrangement on folk guitar

This famous song was first performed by Ben E. King in 1961. He, in turn, was inspired and influenced by an old spiritual called Stand by Me Father. Here, I am singing a short version of it with my half sized folk guitar (Yamaha APXT2) and have added a bit of scat for the, "instrumental melody interval" part. I hope this will help you feel relaxed and reassured during these changing times!
この有名な曲は1961年に初めてBen E King によって演奏されました。彼はもっと古い教会音楽に影響されていたらしいです。この動画でヤマハのフォークギターで弾き語りをしている短いバージョンでは間奏部分にスキャットを入れてみました。変化の多い時代に安心してリラックスして聞いていただければ幸いです。

Yamaha APXT2folk guitarStand by Me on folk guitar

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